Machining Raw Material Sample
Relating to our previous post about Lathe cost reduction, here is a view into the world of how we transfer our raw material into finished product.
The first step when a work order is posted to the shop floor is to log into our Inventory system and find the correct raw material to use. This computer screen is one terminal that runs a mobile app that we've created. The App can be viewed on any device and is 100% cloud based.
The Inventory tag matches up to the record found in the App.
The material is loaded into one of our saws. Here is the back-end of our Hydmech S23-A band saw. The "-A" in the saw model number denotes it's fully automatic feeding capability.
A very underrated piece of our equipment is our S-23A band saw. This machine can automatically cut to length round bar, flat bar, tube, and pipe by entering in the length and quantity required. This video is cutting 4" sch40 aluminum pipe to length.
Presto, finished parts come out the other end! Not really. Once the raw material processing is complete, many different part routings can take place such as these parts that have been through the saw and lathe.